Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Developmental Milestones related to Child’s Growth and Development

An article published in Healthy Life Magazine in Issue December 2012 

The best experience that any parent‘s come across watching their little one growing from a small dependent kid to a mature independent individual. 

Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range.  Although each milestone has an age level, the actual age when a normally developing child reaches that milestone can very quite a bit. As Every child is unique! 

Child growth only refers to the child getting bigger in size while Child development refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get older and it mainly occur in four domains like: gross motor, fine motor, language, social-personal.

The individual level of functioning  of a child depends upon its level of growth and development in his childhood and it depends on both Genetic (nature)  and Environment (nurture), hence biological psychological and social factors play a major role to shape development  of any child.
Your baby will go through many changes in terms of growth and development during the first year of life before you know that your tiny helpless newborn will be a person in his own right. And growth being  an indicator for overall well being, chronic disease and interpersonal and psychological stress, it is very important for the parents to know some age specific milestones for a normal full term baby which is given in short as below:

Age of a child
Age appropriate milestones
New Born
Sleeps most of the time and drink milk.
Continue Exclusive Breast feeding.
6-9 Weeks         
Starts smiling and turn head towards sound.
10-13 Weeks
Neck holding, Cooing sound, recognizes mother.
14-19 Weeks
Head control present.
Smiles and plays with hand and feet.                           
Grasp rattle and rings and bring to mouth.
20-24 weeks
Sits with support.
Kicks and roll over.
Enjoy mirror.
6-7 Months
 Start sitting without support.
 Transfer object from one hand to other.
 Speaks Ma, Ba.
 Teething starts (lower central incisor).
 Start Weaning.
8 Months 
Starts crawling.
Hold toys with crude grasp.
Stranger anxiety develops.
Upper central incisor teeth erupts.
9 Months
Stands with support.
Waves bye – bye.
Speaks – Mama, Baba.
10-12 Months
Walk with support.
Responds to oral command.
Lower lateral incisor teeth erupts.
12-15 Months
Stands without support
Tries to feed himself
Sits on toilet
Speaks 2 words with meaning
Upper lateral incisor teeth erupts
15-18 Months
Walk without support
Make tower of 2-3 cubes
Feed himself with spoon
18-24 Months 
Feed himself with cup
Scribbles on paper, Make tower of 4-6 cubes
 Speak 8-10 words with meaning
2-3 Years 
Walk upstairs slowly
Draw a lines, Make tower of 8-9 cubes,                        
Makes simple sentence, point to body parts, name pictures
Start toilet training
Start feeding child from the family pot
3-4 Years 
Ride a tricycle, Walk downstairs, Broad jump.
Can dress himself and brush teeth.                    
Draw a circle, Knows gender, Give name, Name colors, Group play
Can post pond his toilet.
4-5 Years   
Walk up and down steps with alternate feet.
Copy a square (box).
Can undress himself , throw ball over head, role play present, Locate person and place.
Tells story, goes to toilet alone.
5-6 Years
Copies triangle, counts till 10-15.
Knows number of fingers, Names a week.
Repeat five digits, Ask questions regarding meaning of the word.

Thus, milestone is the phases in the growth and development in all domains that any child grows
through from a dependent kid to an independent individual.
Every baby develops at his own pace and that the age listed above are not set in stone for development of the healthy baby who was born at full term. But a baby who was born prematurely would meet these milestones a bit later than a full term baby. There are certain diseases where child growth and development may be abnormal like: preterm babies, IUGR babies, metabolic disorders, malnutrition, genetic disorders, chronic systemic disorders, CNS abnormalities i.e.cerebral palsy etc. In these children the milestones could be delayed, abnormal or sometime even the regression of the attained milestones could be seen. In case of the above child may be subnormal, abnormal or they may not be able to do their normal day to day activities.
Now parents being the first teacher of any child and since they play a supreme role in the proper growth and development of any child it’s very important for any parents to watch closely the normal and it should strike them if there is any deviation from the normal like abnormal or delay in their milestones and ask these to their pediatrician when they visit them for vaccination especially during the first year of life. That’s why the time when you vaccinate your child is the right time when you can have your baby’s milestones checked in the Well Baby Clinic.
Now as a pediatrician we play an important role in examining the child for their age appropriate milestones when they come to us regularly for the vaccination till five years of life especially during the first year and advice parents for any abnormality seen so that the timely investigations early diagnosis and treatment can be done to prevent further deterioration and complication and giving a chance to every single child to live a normal and healthy life.
Note: As a Pediatrician I would request to all the parents to consult their pediatric doctor while vaccinating your kids, to examine for their age appropriate milestones.


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